Tag Archives: Uprising


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之后就是魔兽 3 的天下了,直到 10 年的夏天,星际争霸 2 出世。作为一个伪星际玩家,还是跑去抱回了一个典藏版的自由之翼,在完成战役的过程中,对整个故事越来越了解,进而越来越着迷,不断地想知道更多的与之相关的。everplayer 和 pampas 在其中一直干着「扶贫」的工作。我也有陆续收集星际的英文原版小说,大概现在只缺 Devils' Due 这一本了——当然,很惭愧,英文一本都没看完过,中文倒是翻过不少。

不记得是怎么个机缘巧合,我和 everplayer 某天提到要不要把 uprising 给翻译了,everplayer 欣然同意。那时,网上某位大神已经给出了前三章的翻译,但其余四章无人翻译(后来译言上有一个小组也开始翻译)。基于那位查不到姓名或者 ID 的大神的翻译,我们开始了自己的历程。那时是 2010 年 10 月 8 日——我 tex 源文件中的日期到现在依旧清晰。期间时译时停,直到现在。很高兴能完成这么一份心愿。感谢 everplayer 和 pampas 期间的种种,感谢那位大神的前三章翻译(不少优雅的句子来自那儿),感谢 Knuth 大仙的 tex。由于英文非母语,翻译中难免有疏漏之处,请各位读者指正。


Throughout the course of every person's life, a large-scale catastrophe is certain to occur. At some point, fate will hand each of us the ultimate test: a tragedy so profound and so inescapable that it will forever alter the remaining course of the life affected. This event will have one of two outcomes. The man or woman confronted with the catastrophe may be defeated in the test, and live the remainder of their life as a shadow of the person they once were. Or a person might transform and become strengthened by their experience, transcending all self-imposed limitations and flourishing in a way they had never deemed possible.


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